Caesar’s Helvetian Campaign / Gallic War 1

The completed draft of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico Book 1 is being completely revised and reformatted to produce a 2017 edition of Caesar’s Helvetian Campaign. New revisions of the Helvetian Campaign will appear throughout the Fall of 2017.

  1. Commentary: Caesar’s Helvetian Campaign (2.7 mb pdf,  7 x 10 inch, beta ed. 26Aug17)
  2. Handout: Outline of Caesar’s Political Rhetoric in the Helvetian Campaign  (pdf, March 2013)
  3. Commentary from 2013: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico I: (9.2 mb .pdf, beta 27Mar13)

1. This 2017 beta edition will eventually cover selections from the Helvetian Campaign (I.1-12, 21-29). The Latin text, vocabulary, and grammatical notes are on the left (verso) page and selected core vocabulary, grammatical review, and reading comprehension questions are on the right (recto) pages.  This beta edition includes only passages for I.1-7 over the Fall 2017, the rest of the selections, core vocabulary lists, and a full glossary will be added.

As a high school Latin teacher, I have had great success teaching the Helvetian Campaign (I.1-12, 21-29) to my third-year Latin students. I strongly recommend this selection for Latin teachers and students who wish to prepare for the selections in Caesar on the latest AP Latin syllabus.

2. This .pdf is intended to serve as inspiration for those who wish to understand Caesar’s rhetoric but may not have read Caesar before. (I review these passages with my Latin III students, and they write up our observations into an 8-10 page paper after reading the Latin.) If you do not understand a comment in the .pdf, please contact me.

3. This is a 2013 beta edition for Caesar’s Gallic War Book 1. The .pdf includes the text and facing commentary for all of Book 1 as well as a running core vocabulary (5 or more times in Book 1) in the introduction, an alphabetized core vocabulary in the glossary, and some noun and verb synopses. I have yet (1) to add macrons to the Latin text for the second half of the book and (2) to revise the grammatical boxes throughout the commentary.

This volume has not been proofread and is currently being adapted for the Helvetian Campaign commentary (see #1).



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